Published On: 10/06/2024413 words2.5 min read

Whether attached to trousers, handbags, mobile phones or keyrings: If it’s colourful and dangles, it’s sure to attract attention.
What’s more, these cute danglers look good enough to eat! Especially if there’s two or three of them hanging together. Whatever the outfit, with the trendy FIMO colours from STAEDTLER it’s easy to make cup cake charms to match it. Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

Step-by-step tutorial

1. For the cup, roll half a strip of plum coloured FIMO into a ball in your hands. Put it down and continue to roll it at a slight angle until you are left with a tapered cup shape. Make indents around the outside of the cup using a modelling stick. Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

2. Roll a quarter of a strip of translucent FIMO into a long sausage and do the same with a quarter of a strip of lavender coloured FIMO. Twist them together and roll to create a sausage with a pointed end. Now, beginning at the tip, coil this into a snail shell shape. Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

3. Place the snail shell on top of the cup and press on carefully. Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

4. Roll a small amount of raspberry into a thin string, approx. 3 mm in diameter. Cut small pieces off the string and shape them into mini balls in your hands. Position these on the cup cake using the modelling stick and press on carefully. Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

5. Now, using a knitting needle, make a hole through the middle of the cup cake and suspend over a glass or cup. Make a number of different uni-coloured beads and suspend these on a needle too. Place the glass with the finished cup cakes and pearls in the oven and leave to harden for 30 minutes at 110 °C. After cooling, apply a coat of gloss varnish to everything. Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

6. Finally, string the beads and the cup cake onto the cord in whichever order you like and attach to the keyring. With a little imagination, you can create lots more cup cake charms in a whole variety of colour combinations.
Material overview Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

Material overview

What you need to make Pastel colours – Cup cake charms

Fimo soft Raspberry 8020-22
Fimo Soft Pacific Blue 8020-37
Fimo Soft Lavender 8020-62
Fimo Soft Purpure 8020-61
Fimo Soft Plum 8020-63
Fimo Soft White 8020-0
Acrylic Roller
FIMO Oven thermometerFIMO Gloss water-based gloss varnish, 10 ml

Additionally required:

Smooth work surface (glass or ceramic), tecos, thin knitting needles or skewers, pink-coloured textile or leather cord (approx. 15 cm per charm), different keyrings

Want to learn more? Try here! Pastel colours - Cup cake charms 07

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